One at a time

One at a time

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Lexie, a kind soul

Lexie’s story was heartbreaking to me.  Her owners adopted a dog from Sandi Paws about a year ago.  Since that adoption, the husband fell very ill.  The family made the hard to to bring back Zelina to SPR but also asked if we could take Lexie, whom they had for the last 5 years since she was a tiny puppy.  Lexie initially went to a different foster where she was for a week but ended up having issues getting along with the personal dog there.  So she came here on a Friday.  Luckily, our great SPR family works so well together, another foster put out to her network of people, how desparate it was for Lexie to find her home sooner than later as her world had turned upside down and was stressing. 

Lexie was swept up by the perfect adopter where Lexie will have her person all to herself.  She is a retired lady who adopted herself a birthday present.  Loved every minute with Lexie.  Her broken heart is now on the path to a quick heal.

Double take

Graham came to us as a two day foster.  We were lucky enough to have him longer.  Jordy even enjoyed having a brother from a different mother.  Jordy actually played with him.  That does not happen frequently with Jordy.  He is usually a jerk these days.  Graham was a cool, laid back year old Chocolate Lab and his adopters are very happy to have him.

Lylle... a beautiful flower

Lylle is a sweet, young shepherd mix that came to Wisconsin only a couple days after Abash was adopted.  She was with us for a couple of weeks and was as sweet as they come.  Lylle was adopted locally so hopefully we get to run  into her occasionally.
The boys were at the adoption event that Lylle was adopted at.  We were all a bit surprised that day to have her leave our home, but definitely knew that this sweet heart would not last long.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Abash. Best puppy ever!

After losing Rosalee, it was either jump back into fostering with two feet, or I probably would have been a recluse for a long time.  The heartbreaks was strong enough to defeat me. So back into the world of rescue we go. We brought Abash home two days after losing Rosalee.  He was the sweetest 4 month old lab month puppy. We had him for less than a week before he was scooped up by a family he could grow up with.  

Loving Rosalee

I thought I would take the opportunity to share some of my favorite memories my boys and I had with our baby Hippo.  She was a once in a life time dog.  I am not one that gravitates to the bully breeds.  I like my crazy sporting dogs.  But Rosalee spoke to me even before she was adopted out.  In fact, when I did a home visit with her adopters, they were so surprised she let me just walk in the house without a fuss.  She was not friendly to stranger. She was meant to land here.  I will never question my choice to bring her home.  I just wish that I could have given her longer.  But her physical pain only made her behavior worse, of course.  I do not want to dwell on the past.  I just want to remember this sweet soul that loved life even though the world was not kind to her.  

Thursday, February 7, 2019

6 months later... and Rescue sucks

I cannot believe that I have not updated anything since I have had Rosalee.  It has been such a roller coaster ride.   And this train is derailing.  Our adventures with Rosalee may be detailed later, but tonight the boys and I are having a pajama party.  We have always had pajama parties the night before we have one of our own dogs put to sleep.  Rosalee has had lots of behavioral and physical issues over the last 6 months.  Right now, I do not want to discuss.  But earlier this week, I knew that Rosalee and I were on the same page... fighting a losing battle.  She is in pain, lame in the hind end... She has been snapping at the people she loves most.  Her behavior has been so concerning to me.  I want to fix it.  But she has had such a shitty life.  She has every right to be defensive and pissy, especially when in pain.  But I cannot put my kids’ safety at risk.  Or mine, or my dogs.  I notified the owners of the rescue on Monday that I no longer felt safe with Rosalee due to her behavior and pain.  I asked that the rescue release ownership to me.  I wanted nothing more than Rosalee to be mine, in her forever home.  Not a foster, not a statistic of being a homeless pitbull that humans have failed, but a dog that found her forever place in a world that has not been kind to her.

Tonight, I had the pain of telling Jacob and Wiley that tomorrow will be Rosalee’s last.  Every parent wants to protect their kids from suffering yet here I am making their hearts break.  They knew.  When I told them I wanted to have a serious conversation with them after supper, Wiley said, “why? Is Rosie gonna be put down?”  I could only be honest. There were lots of emotions, of course.  Finally, I sat the boys down and asked them to finalize Rosie’s adoption.  They helped me complete her adoption contract. They signed her contract as her adopters.  And went and put their pajamas on.  Jacob brought both his and Wiley’s mattresses out to the living room so we can all sleep with Rosalee tonight.   As I type, my Hippo is snoring away on my lap.

I love this dog.  I have since she arrived in Wisconsin.  Her body screamed the plight of her shitty life before SPR took her in.  All I can say right now is that Jacob, Wiley and I love her so much that we will love her to the end.