I just wanted to let you all know that Jacob has finally decided it was time to join the rest of us. He was born July 30th at 4:50 p.m. He weighed 8 lb 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long and came after about a 16 hour labor. I was scheduled to be induced 7:00 am on Wednesday after I went to my dr appointment on Tuesday and there was nothing happening. I was not dialated or thinning at all and Dr Miller thought Jacob was getting to be quite big so Harold and I left the appointment and attempted to get everything done that needed to be done before morning. After having dinner with parents we headed back to Harold's for what was going to be a very long night of waiting. Or not. Jacob decided that he wanted to do this on his own terms. My water broke at about 11:00 pm. Harold and I made it to the emergency room at about 12:30 a.m. At first it appeared that this might be a fast labor since I went from 1-5 in about 4 hours. I got my glorious epidural at about 6:00 am and then slept through the rest of my labor, how nice is that? Finally, at about 2:00 I was dialated to 9 but my contractions were very irregular, so I received some pitocin. At 4:30, I was given the go ahead to start pushing. Jacob's heart rate had dropped significantly, to less than 60, so Dr.Miller had to vaccuum extract, but at 4:50, our healthy, crying baby joined us. He is as healthy as can be, other than a touch of jaundice, which is going to be rechecked today. We went home yesterday afternoon and are beginning to adjust to life with a baby. Needless to say, we are both as proud as proud could be.

Awww! He is so precious! You are so very lcuky, I just found out yesterday that my husband & I may never be able to have children. Good luck and congrats!
I love the pictures, Katie. He is precious. Thanks for the horror stories at the hospital. I'm still recovering!!!! If there is anything you ever need, don't hesitate to call--or text!
What a beautiful bundle of love! Thank you for letting me hog him yesterday. Congrats again to you both.
He is adorable! I can't wait to meet him. Congrats to you both and I hope you are enjoying every minute! -Amanda
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