Jack successfully finished his Novice agility (NA) title in standards today and placed second with a score of 91 at the Winnegame Dog Club. It was his first indoor trial, which threw a new spin on things. He was afraid, no, petrified of the teeter, and combat crawled the whole thing but still managed it successfully. Weaves were okay and got them on the second try. We weren't so lucky in Jumpers with it taking 4 attempts at the weaves using up precious course time and then having a refusal at the last jump, which was completely my fault. We ended up not qualified since our final score was a 78, needing 80 to qualify. So hopefully we will be able to get our Jumpers finished soon....
Greta was mad since not only did I take Jack out of the house without her but I took Jacob too. Jacob hung out all day with Aunt Ann, Uncle Cort, Laura and Chad. Thank you so much!!!
While Jack was trialing, and Jacob playing with his Aunt and Uncle, his daddy was out hunting again. Today they were much more successful that the rest of the season. Harold hunts with his friend Gary, and his two daughters, Farren and Ashley. Farren got an 11 point buck, Gary shot a 5 pointer, and Harold says he shot at a half rack but couldn't find it. They are back out now looking for more...

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