some other pictures from that day. I took those pictures last week Thursday when Jacob was crabby, cranky, and sick with an ear infection and a fever of 101.8. Since, then Jacob has almost recovered from his nasty sickness other than he is still dealing with a horrible snotty nose. And for those of you who know me well, understand my hate/hate relationship I have with boogers. I hate them. I hate them more than I hate feet. And I really hate feet. See, feet gross me out, but I tolerate Jacob's feet just because they are his.... But I still despise Jacob's boogers. Some days I feel like I am sucking his brain out through his nose he has so many boogers.
So on a different note, I will stop discussing those nasty things. Here are two cute pictures and then the other two will sure Jacob's true feelings that day.

Nice pix Katie! Regardless of how you feel about boogers, isn't it somewhat satisfying to remove the nasty things so you know they are not clogging up his respiratory tract?
Ann, the nurse
No, those boogers can just leave. Then there is nothing to have to worry about. There is nothing satisfying about boogers.
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