One at a time

One at a time

Sunday, December 28, 2008

From the Haneys (and the one McNamara) we hope everyone close and far had a wonderful Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone one! We sure hope that everyone enjoyed their holidays! We definitely did (after dealing with out not so dead horse that is!). Jacob was very entertaining at all venues that we attended even though he was feeling a bit under the weather. He really did enjoy opening presents and playing with the wrapping paper. I can only imagine what next year will bring!
Finally, Daddy got home from plowing all of that nasty snow and Jacob got to open his presents.
After we were done with presents at home, Harold and I fed all of those stinkin' animals we have and then went to Grandpa Tim and Grandma Mary's house for more festivities.
Olivia sure was having a good time with her presents

Jacob was thrilled to have bows on his presents at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We put them on his head and thought he looked very.... uhm.... well... girlish.... so that stopped quickly and the bows were then fun to try to eat.
Cousin Luke showing off his notorious "mean face" that Aunt Shannon really doesn't like. Personally, I find it entertaining....
but then ask me again in about 4 years if I still find it entertaining when Jacob may do it. See, Luke is a middle child, just like me. We get each other. Both of his parents are the first borns.... us middle children have to stick together buddy!

Grandma Mary and Jacob before changing into some comfy jammies.

Lu dog has a busy week as well. She looks exhausted! I think it is hard for all of us to remember that she is only 7 months old since she is such a big girl. Uncle Pat, I think Lu was definitely working on an A, at least in effort.
Jacob hanging out with his only Great Grandma. They both love to be with each other.

Great Grandma Mc and Brady-boy.
Lu dog looking a bit more perky than before. Isn't she a cutie? Gosh, I love that dog!
Great Grandma, Brady, Uncle Pat and Luke all learning about Leapster 2

Harold, Jacob and I took a drive up to Baldwin after I got done with work on Saturday to see Jacob's Uncle Wesley and Aunt Amy and his cousins Colton, Austin, Dylan and Carley. We had an excellent dinner and were entertained by watching Jacob and his cousins play. It was the first time that Jacob got to meet them.
He was completely fascinated with Carley.
Colton and Jacob

All five of the Haney kids.

After dinner and presents we went to the hotel that we stayed at and all of the kids (and adults) swam. Jacob really enjoyed the water this time around. He got to borrow one of his cousin's floaties and just cruised around smiling and giggling.

Aunt Amy, Carley, me and Jacob.

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