One at a time

One at a time

Sunday, December 28, 2008

From the Haneys (and the one McNamara) we hope everyone close and far had a wonderful Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone one! We sure hope that everyone enjoyed their holidays! We definitely did (after dealing with out not so dead horse that is!). Jacob was very entertaining at all venues that we attended even though he was feeling a bit under the weather. He really did enjoy opening presents and playing with the wrapping paper. I can only imagine what next year will bring!
Finally, Daddy got home from plowing all of that nasty snow and Jacob got to open his presents.
After we were done with presents at home, Harold and I fed all of those stinkin' animals we have and then went to Grandpa Tim and Grandma Mary's house for more festivities.
Olivia sure was having a good time with her presents

Jacob was thrilled to have bows on his presents at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We put them on his head and thought he looked very.... uhm.... well... girlish.... so that stopped quickly and the bows were then fun to try to eat.
Cousin Luke showing off his notorious "mean face" that Aunt Shannon really doesn't like. Personally, I find it entertaining....
but then ask me again in about 4 years if I still find it entertaining when Jacob may do it. See, Luke is a middle child, just like me. We get each other. Both of his parents are the first borns.... us middle children have to stick together buddy!

Grandma Mary and Jacob before changing into some comfy jammies.

Lu dog has a busy week as well. She looks exhausted! I think it is hard for all of us to remember that she is only 7 months old since she is such a big girl. Uncle Pat, I think Lu was definitely working on an A, at least in effort.
Jacob hanging out with his only Great Grandma. They both love to be with each other.

Great Grandma Mc and Brady-boy.
Lu dog looking a bit more perky than before. Isn't she a cutie? Gosh, I love that dog!
Great Grandma, Brady, Uncle Pat and Luke all learning about Leapster 2

Harold, Jacob and I took a drive up to Baldwin after I got done with work on Saturday to see Jacob's Uncle Wesley and Aunt Amy and his cousins Colton, Austin, Dylan and Carley. We had an excellent dinner and were entertained by watching Jacob and his cousins play. It was the first time that Jacob got to meet them.
He was completely fascinated with Carley.
Colton and Jacob

All five of the Haney kids.

After dinner and presents we went to the hotel that we stayed at and all of the kids (and adults) swam. Jacob really enjoyed the water this time around. He got to borrow one of his cousin's floaties and just cruised around smiling and giggling.

Aunt Amy, Carley, me and Jacob.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Harold is out plowing this morning and Jacob is napping so I have time to share pictures from the Haney Christmas party.

Jacob opening up his very first Christmas present ever. He loved the wrapping paper from all of his gifts. He thought it was to eat. Surprisingly, he was very interested in all of his presents.

Grandpa Ed and Jacob. They are so cute together.

Grandma Helen was working her magic on a very tired baby.

Jacob and I are patiently waiting for Daddy to come home this morning so that we can open presents. Hopefully, he can have the rest of the day off. Jacob was very content and happy just playing with his toys and dogs while he waits. I bet that will be a bit different come next Christmas.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The story of a dead horse

What does a dead horse look like? This morning it was a miserable sight. Shithead was down in the pasture. He was laying in his back with his rear legs sticky straight up, his belly up and his front legs flopped over to the side laying on the ground and his head sticking out with his tongue hanging out. I panicked, freaked, spazzed, something. I called Harold, no answer, I called my mom (poor grandma, I kinda freaked her out too), and while I was on the phone his back legs were twitching and Goliath and Cappy were licking them. But, sadly, I have seen horses go down before and I know that twitching is normal. And then I saw him pick up his head. I hang up the phone and fly outside. He is still breathing but it seemed labored. I called Harold again, he was on his way home, I called the vet, she is on the way out. I sat out there for a half hour with him not sure what to do. He would try to get up but it didn't seem like he really put much effort into it. I told Shithead that he was loved to the end, and please tell Aries that I miss him. And then out of the blue, he started kicking his legs out, I thought he just was trying to fight the inevitable, but he got up! And then he took a leak, went to the hay feeder grabbed a mouthful of hay and stared at me.

So Dr. Anne got out here, and Shithead seemed fine. His heartrate was faster than normal but other than that, she was clueless. She said he could have seizured, he could have been kick by one of the other horses and the pain was too much to get up right away, or he went to roll and got stuck in the snow. She gave him a shot of Banamine for pain and in case he was a bit colicky.

So, this is what a dead horse looks like today...

I felt like a fool for reacting the way I did to have him be fine. But I was honestly scared for him and was afraid that he was suffering. Thank God Dr. Anne didn't drive any faster, and got here sooner because she would have just given him the sleepy shot. Maybe he is my little Christmas miracle. Or maybe he just wasn't ready to be done be loved. Whatever it is, hopefully he is like a cat and has nine lives.

So, anyway, the boys got there Christmas dinner tonight. They all had some senior feed, sweet feed, and beet pulp soaked in warm water and top dressed with carrots. They were in heaven. That is Shithead's normal dinner minus the carrots, but the other boys really like their treat
Cappy liked his dinner so much he tried to find a way under the gate to help Shithead eat his. Kinda cute... and acrobatic.

So once again.... Long live Shithead! I am not ready for him to leave and I am glad he isn't ready yet either.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So, Jacob has recovered fully from his ear infection only to develop a case of Croup in time for Christmas. Grandma Mary took him to see the doctor today since work is just too insane for me to leave today. Thank you, Grandma! I tried to scan the picture that I got from daycare yesterday. It was so cute but I can't figure out how to resize it. I have done it before but I sure can't figure it out now. Oh, well. Maybe it was just meant for me and Harold then.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Well, you McNamaras wore out Jacob yesterday. It was his first official Christmas party and I forgot the camera! What kind of mom does he have?

Jacob was exhausted today. He took almost a 4 hour nap at day care, and two more short naps and then another nap when he got home tonight. He was so tired he couldn't even wait to get the nuk in his mouth. It just took too much effort. Close was just going to have to count for today.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chirstmas is coming

Well, since everyone should have received their Christmas cards, I thought that I would post
some other pictures from that day. I took those pictures last week Thursday when Jacob was crabby, cranky, and sick with an ear infection and a fever of 101.8. Since, then Jacob has almost recovered from his nasty sickness other than he is still dealing with a horrible snotty nose. And for those of you who know me well, understand my hate/hate relationship I have with boogers. I hate them. I hate them more than I hate feet. And I really hate feet. See, feet gross me out, but I tolerate Jacob's feet just because they are his.... But I still despise Jacob's boogers. Some days I feel like I am sucking his brain out through his nose he has so many boogers.

So on a different note, I will stop discussing those nasty things. Here are two cute pictures and then the other two will sure Jacob's true feelings that day.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Poor Baby!

Jacob officially has his first ear infection. I got a call from daycare yesterday saying that he was running a fever. Harold went to pick him up and then brought him into the clinic where I work to see Dr. Udlis. He has good moments and bad hours... at least that is what it seems like. Neither Jacob nor I have had a good night sleep in a few days since he wakes up screaming and nothing I do will make him stop. So I am crabby, especially if you ask Harold. Hoping the little guy feels better soon.

Pictures later today if I get time. House is too dirty to mess with uploading any at the moment....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snow Day

There was no way I was going to get to work today. Not happening. Harold finally got back home and had the yard cleaned out around 2:30. He left at 4:00 this morning to plow. So anyways, snow days are supposed to be fun, so what did I do today?

Well, Jacob is having a lot of fun with solids. He likes to eat them and wear them. He wanted to play with the bowl that still had rice cereal in it. I let him. It was too cold and windy for him to enjoy the snow, so I let him play inside. He thought it was the neatest thing to mush the rice in his fingers, on his head, on his clothes. Needless to say, a bath was a requirement.

Greta was enjoying her clean up duty.
This is my outdoor dog kennel. Somewhere in there, you might be able to find two dog houses. Now that is a lot of snow.
Since the kennel was not an option today, the dogs had free run of the farm.

Never knew Greta could jump that well. Not bad, for an old lady.
Greta thought it was pretty cool that she could see inside the house from outside. Both dogs loved playing king of the hill. Greta usually wins.
Can't forget about the horses. Cappy is over his front knees in the snow where it drifted by the lean to. Again, that's a lotta snow....
Anyone know who this is?
Shithead! He is looking a little bit better since Dr. Anne was out here. I took his blanket off today so he could enjoy a good roll in the snow and to fix a rip in it. I was pleasantly surprised to see a couple less ribs and a bit better finish to his winter coat.

Handsome fellow, that Cappy boy. I love this horse more and more every day.

Cappy and Goliath have it out for the old man today. Not sure why. Cappy bit him in the hinder. Shithead did not appreciate it at all. He wished that I would have put that blanket back on him

Jacob's Christmas tree

Sunday started out good. We left the house in the morning in search for Jacob's first Christmas tree. We had breakfast in Ripon and then Harold announced that he really didn't know where it was we were going but we would just drive until we find the place he was looking for. Well, we did find a nice tree farm and Harold and I found a tree. We bundled up baby, took this picture and rushed him back into the truck since it was windy and cold.
We got home and had a crabby baby. That is very unlike Jacob. He was crying and fussy and fighting his nap. The Packers were playing... and losing. I was struggling to get lights on the tree. Finally, I gave up with the crabby baby, and swaddled him, put him to bed, turned on CD for him and went outside.

30 minutes later, Jacob woke up crabby and as I was changing is diaper, the Christmas tree came crashing down. I screamed since it scared the shit out me, which made Jacob scream. Then he was unconsolable. Nothing was going to make him happy. And nothing was going to make me happy either. I have carpet soaked with sticky sappy tree water, broken ornaments on the floor, and a dumb black dog that wanted to eat pine needles that I was worried had broken glass with them. I struggled to clean up the mess. I had bloody fingers, sap all over me and we were supposed to be Grandma's birthday party. I hadn't showered yet, plus had at least 3 hours of homework to do before going to bed for the night. Oh, and I still had a screaming, and I do mean screaming baby.

We didn't make it to Grandma's party (sorry Grandma!). Jacob was running a low grade fever and I never got all of my homework done. Sunday really sucked.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Guess what Jacob is wearing today!

Carrots... all over his face. And I think he likes them.

Playing around after my doctor's appointment. You would never know that I have 3 shots today and screamed like hell. Then once I was done screaming, I was as happy as could be. I weighed 15lb, 10oz and was 26 1/2 inches long. Mommy is right. I am a big boy. And I am very healthy too!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mc's Alias Blackjack CDX RA NA CGC or something like that

Jack successfully finished his Novice agility (NA) title in standards today and placed second with a score of 91 at the Winnegame Dog Club. It was his first indoor trial, which threw a new spin on things. He was afraid, no, petrified of the teeter, and combat crawled the whole thing but still managed it successfully. Weaves were okay and got them on the second try. We weren't so lucky in Jumpers with it taking 4 attempts at the weaves using up precious course time and then having a refusal at the last jump, which was completely my fault. We ended up not qualified since our final score was a 78, needing 80 to qualify. So hopefully we will be able to get our Jumpers finished soon....

Greta was mad since not only did I take Jack out of the house without her but I took Jacob too. Jacob hung out all day with Aunt Ann, Uncle Cort, Laura and Chad. Thank you so much!!!
While Jack was trialing, and Jacob playing with his Aunt and Uncle, his daddy was out hunting again. Today they were much more successful that the rest of the season. Harold hunts with his friend Gary, and his two daughters, Farren and Ashley. Farren got an 11 point buck, Gary shot a 5 pointer, and Harold says he shot at a half rack but couldn't find it. They are back out now looking for more...