One at a time

One at a time

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snow Day

There was no way I was going to get to work today. Not happening. Harold finally got back home and had the yard cleaned out around 2:30. He left at 4:00 this morning to plow. So anyways, snow days are supposed to be fun, so what did I do today?

Well, Jacob is having a lot of fun with solids. He likes to eat them and wear them. He wanted to play with the bowl that still had rice cereal in it. I let him. It was too cold and windy for him to enjoy the snow, so I let him play inside. He thought it was the neatest thing to mush the rice in his fingers, on his head, on his clothes. Needless to say, a bath was a requirement.

Greta was enjoying her clean up duty.
This is my outdoor dog kennel. Somewhere in there, you might be able to find two dog houses. Now that is a lot of snow.
Since the kennel was not an option today, the dogs had free run of the farm.

Never knew Greta could jump that well. Not bad, for an old lady.
Greta thought it was pretty cool that she could see inside the house from outside. Both dogs loved playing king of the hill. Greta usually wins.
Can't forget about the horses. Cappy is over his front knees in the snow where it drifted by the lean to. Again, that's a lotta snow....
Anyone know who this is?
Shithead! He is looking a little bit better since Dr. Anne was out here. I took his blanket off today so he could enjoy a good roll in the snow and to fix a rip in it. I was pleasantly surprised to see a couple less ribs and a bit better finish to his winter coat.

Handsome fellow, that Cappy boy. I love this horse more and more every day.

Cappy and Goliath have it out for the old man today. Not sure why. Cappy bit him in the hinder. Shithead did not appreciate it at all. He wished that I would have put that blanket back on him

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your photos Katie, of all your babies, both 2 footed and 4 footed.
Jacob must be feeling better than he did on Sunday.

And I think that S-head looks pretty good!
