One at a time

One at a time

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why, oh why, do we live in Wisconsin?

Is anyone else as sick of this nasty cold weather as I am? I begin to wonder why I love living here when it gets like this. So another weekend was spent indoors.

Jacob took the opportunity to show me how well he can feed himself at breakfast this morning. Boy, he was proud.

Jacob was also kind enough to let his daddy and me be the first to witness rolling from his back to his tummy today. I guess he got pissed enough when I put all of his toys just out of reach.

I love my puppy!
And she loves me!
Stay warm! It can only improve from here on out.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Life has been relatively quiet here since the holidays. Jacob, unfortunately, has been battling one day care illness after another it seems. Nothing major, thank goodness, but enough to make the happy baby crabby. I guess on a positive note, Jacob was puking so hard right after New Year's that he popped open is plugged tear duct. So no more goopy eye.

Jacob thought it was a good idea to show off to his cute babysitter and thought it would be nice to show her how he could finally roll over from his tummy to his back. Never mind that his mom and dad have been patiently waiting and watching for this to finally happen. He thought he would let Ashley be the first to see his new skill.

Also, Jacob's first tooth finally came through on Wednesday.

Jacob is growing up so quickly and has almost mastered the sippy cup. Well at least grabbing it and getting it into his mouth. Then he sucks and sucks and can't figure out why he is not getting anything out of it. He hasn't figured out how to tip the cup back. But he is very proud of himself.

Harold hung out with the sick baby on Thursday which let me spend some much needed time outside. I have a horrible case of cabin fever and was thrilled that the sun was shining is was a tropical heat wave of 20 degrees outside. Cappy wasn't sure what to think of this interruption in his nap. He enjoyed the good grooming but not sure why in the world he had to get saddled. He hasn't had a saddle on in at least of couple of months. Some day, this horse is going to be broke.....someday.