One at a time

One at a time

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jacob's Christmas tree

Sunday started out good. We left the house in the morning in search for Jacob's first Christmas tree. We had breakfast in Ripon and then Harold announced that he really didn't know where it was we were going but we would just drive until we find the place he was looking for. Well, we did find a nice tree farm and Harold and I found a tree. We bundled up baby, took this picture and rushed him back into the truck since it was windy and cold.
We got home and had a crabby baby. That is very unlike Jacob. He was crying and fussy and fighting his nap. The Packers were playing... and losing. I was struggling to get lights on the tree. Finally, I gave up with the crabby baby, and swaddled him, put him to bed, turned on CD for him and went outside.

30 minutes later, Jacob woke up crabby and as I was changing is diaper, the Christmas tree came crashing down. I screamed since it scared the shit out me, which made Jacob scream. Then he was unconsolable. Nothing was going to make him happy. And nothing was going to make me happy either. I have carpet soaked with sticky sappy tree water, broken ornaments on the floor, and a dumb black dog that wanted to eat pine needles that I was worried had broken glass with them. I struggled to clean up the mess. I had bloody fingers, sap all over me and we were supposed to be Grandma's birthday party. I hadn't showered yet, plus had at least 3 hours of homework to do before going to bed for the night. Oh, and I still had a screaming, and I do mean screaming baby.

We didn't make it to Grandma's party (sorry Grandma!). Jacob was running a low grade fever and I never got all of my homework done. Sunday really sucked.

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