One at a time

One at a time

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Day 3. Grass is so good!

I have learned a bit more about what it was like where Bonnie was living in Alabama.  All I can say is that she (and her brother Clyde whom is with another foster home with SPR) loves grass.  It has to feel so good to have a good roll in the grass.

Each day is new for Bonnie.  She is making small gains.  She is choosing to stay out of the kennel in the house when my dogs, Jordy and Rayna, are inside. She keeps a very safe distance and startles at everything, but I will take it!  It is so much better than fearful shaking in the back corner of a kennel.

Also, Bonnie will allow me to sit by her when she is eating. She almost seems comforted by it as I have to fend off Jordy and Rayna while she eats since she is polite and dainty with her food.  Nothing like my chow hounds.

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