One at a time

One at a time

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bath time!

Since life has been good and quiet, there hasn't been much new to share. Plus my online class has taken up much of my computer time. So, anyways, today was bath day, and Jacob really likes his baths right now.

I had to add just a couple of naked baby pictures. I haven't posted any of those yet.

Harold and I have been in the process of moving furniture around and our bedroom is now upstairs by Jacob's. Neither Greta nor Jack were happy about "their" bed being moved so they have taken to sleeping in Jacob's room

Just because.... the view from Jacob's bedroom window. Gotta love country life.
And the view from our bedroom window. I wake up in the morning and can see my horse. After how many years of owning a horse, it is a cool feeling to be able to look out the window and check on him.

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