One at a time

One at a time

Saturday, June 13, 2009

She's Here!!

Phil is finally home after waiting three months! Everything went pretty well. Cappy and Phil did have a minor problem initially and Cappy cornered Phil and she went through the fence. Grandpa Ed and Grandma Helen were here when that happened which was helpful since Grandma took care of Jacob as we fixed fence. But after that, everyone is at least agreeing to be in the same space together. E.T. (Shithead) is IN LOVE!!!! He is completely infatuated with her. Cappy got over his need to chase her. Phil currently does not like the donkey girls but I do believe that is because she is in heat and wants the boys to herself.

Here are a few pics from today

Jacob's obsession with stout dogs is not limited to Lu. He can't get enough of Scooter, Chris' Bassett Hound.

Here is Chris, who we got Phil from, with Phil's filly Goldie. She will be 3 months old on June 20th. What a cute girl!

Harold and Phil once we got home and got her unloaded from the trailer. What a good girl.

Phil is so tall that she makes Cappy look like a pony! She is 9 inches taller than he is.

Look at this girl's airplane ears. She should be able to take off with those! Shaggy has come a long way in the 2 weeks that she has been here. You would never believe that she is the same donkey that we had to lasso to catch and load. She just loves attention!


Mary Mc said...

Wow, that is one HUGE horse! Can't imagine how anyone could even get on her to ride...not for me! Love you, see you Tues.

Katie McNamara said...

Aw... can't let Olivia show you up... I bet O would ride her....No different than Aries.... You will love her!