One at a time

One at a time

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trick or Treat

Well, folks. This is it. My maternity leave is coming to an end. I go back to work tomorrow. That makes me quite sad and I do have to say I am a bit stressed about how it is all going to go tomorrow morning getting out of the house and getting Jacob to daycare and me to work on time.
With that being said, this is just a gentle warning that I am betting I won't be spending much time uploading pictures. Don't worry. I will still make sure that I take lots of pictures, but I just can't say how frequently I will be able to post.

Anyways, today was trick or treating in Fondy. The weather was horrible. I did plan on making a few stops with Jacob dressed up but the weather but a major damper on that. So we just went to Grandpa Tim and Grandma Mary's house so Jacob could hang out with his cousins.
Jacob really did like being an orange pumpkin until his daddy told him that he looked goofy.

Jacob is much happier just wearing his halloween onesie and pumpkin sock hanging out with Olivia.

We have Luke as Thomas the Train, Olivia the angel, Baby Jacob, and Brady Boy who was a giraffe but ditched the costume before we got there. And Lu dog as herself. We will pretend that Grandma is not in the picture since she didn't want to be.

Who wanted to be Thomas the Train for Halloween?

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